"I sent you an e-mail 30 minutes ago and you haven’t responded. Is there a problem?"
Here’s a sobering thought: If you sleep seven hours a night and live for 80 years, you will have fewer than 500,000 waking hours – TOTAL. By the time you celebrated your 21 st birthday you had already used more than 130,000 of them.
Here's an idea for you: how about paying your superstars significantly less than you pay your poorer performers at the same level? Sound ridiculous? It is. And yet, our research indicates that many agencies are doing this, often without even being aware of it.
Your client loves working with the account team he or she has been working with for years. Why would you want to disrupt this very successful client relationship? You probably don’t. But if you don’t you will watch as your profit margins drop year over year.
Billing clients on retainer, rather than actual time worked, is great for cash flow so it’s the preferred method for many agencies. However, if not properly managed, it can lead to serious financial consequences and diminishing profit margins.